Our Team


Julia K. Baum

Principal Investigator

Pronouns: She/her
Director, Coastal Climate Solutions Leaders training program, 2023-
President, Canadian Society for Ecology & Evolution, 2024-
President's Chair, University of Victoria, 2021 -
Professor of Biology, University of Victoria, 2019 -
Affiliate Faculty, Hawai’i Institute of Marine Biology, UH, 2016-

Vice-President, Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution (CSEE), 2022-2024
NSERC E.W.R. Steacie Memorial Fellow, 2018 - 2021
Pew Fellow in Marine Conservation, 2017 - 2021
Associate Professor of Biology, 2016 - 2019
Member, Global Young Academy, 2012 - 2017
Assistant Professor Biology, 2011 - 2016
Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow in Ocean Sciences, 2012 - 2014
NCEAS & Schmidt Ocean Institute Postdoctoral Fellow, 2010 - 2011
David H. Smith Conservation Research Fellow & NSERC Postdoctoral Fellow, 2007 - 2009
PhD Dalhousie University, 2007
MSc Dalhousie University, 2002
BSc McGill University, 1999

Email: baum 'at' uvic.ca | BlueSky: @baumlab.bsky.social


Postdoctoral Research Fellows


Dr. Lauren Dykman

Kelp Rescue Initiative's Lead Restoration Scientist
DFO AERF Postdoctoral Fellow

Lauren joined the lab early in 2023 as a Mitacs postdoctoral fellow and as of January 2024 she has been promoted to Kelp Rescue’s Lead Restoration Scientist and is funded by the AERF grant. Lauren is leading a field research project to investigate the role genetic diversity in giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) restoration success using the green gravel technique. She merges her field research experience with her restoration background to answer science questions with targeted management applications. Before joining the team, Lauren studied kelp forest food webs as a scientific SCUBA diver at the University of California, Santa Barbara. She also worked as a restoration field site manager for California scrub and dune ecosystems, where she became acquainted with the practical side of restoration techniques. Lauren holds a PhD in Biological Oceanography from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Her PhD research focused on habitat disturbance and patchiness as drivers of species and functional diversity, particularly for parasites, an understudied yet critical functional group. She studied deep-sea hydrothermal vents as a unique example of isolated, disturbed habitats, and participated in three oceanographic research cruises using deep submergence vehicles.

Email: ldykman ‘at’ uvic.ca


Dr. Graham Epstein

Mitacs Postdoctoral Fellow

Graham joined the lab in the summer 2022 as a Climate Solutions Postdoctoral Fellow. He is working on the quantification, management and conservation of carbon stores found in Canada’s seabed sediments, with a particular focus on fisheries management and marine protected areas. Graham is co-supervised by Dr. Susanna Fuller and his work is supported by a Mitacs Fellowship in collaboration with Oceans North. Prior to this role he worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow with the University of Exeter and Blue Marine Foundation investigating the blue carbon potential of marine conservation and restoration projects in the UK, with a focus on seabed sediments, kelp and saltmarsh habitats. He also has experience working in statutory conservation on the designation, monitoring and management of MPAs in Scotland; and previously spent a year working in the Dutch Caribbean on coral reef ecology. He holds a PhD from the Marine Biological Association and University of Southampton where he investigated the ecology, impacts and management feasibility of an invasive kelp in the UK.

Email: grahamepstein ‘at’ uvic.ca | X (Twitter): @graham_epstein Google Scholar


Dr. Jennifer McHenry

Mitacs Postdoctoral Fellow

Jennifer (she/her) joined the lab as our Ocean Climate Solutions postdoctoral fellow in 2022. As part of the Blue Carbon Canada project, she is examining the potential for blue carbon ecosystem to provide ocean climate solutions in Canada, recognizing that these ecosystems are facing substantial redistribution and decline due to climate change. Collaborating with university, NGO, and governmental partners, she is leading research efforts to produce a nationwide synthesis of the carbon sequestration capacity of Canada’s eelgrasses, salt marshes, and kelp forests under climate change. Previously, Jennifer earned a dual MSc degree in Marine Biology and Marine Policy from the University of Maine, followed by a PhD in Geography from Florida State University in 2022. Her broader research seeks to understand the spatial ecology and climate change vulnerability of nearshore ecosystems and the role that marine conservation and restoration can play in securing sustainable outcomes for nature and people.  

Email: jennmchenry ‘at’ uvic.ca | X (Twitter): @JennMcHenry
Instagram: @Salty_Biogeography | Personal Website
GitHub | Google Scholar


Dr. Alex Van Nynatten

BIOSCAN Postdoctoral Fellow

Alex joined the lab in the fall 2023 as postdoctoral fellow focused on coral reef ecology in an era of global change. He is working on questions pertaining to the long-term stability (or dynamism) of coral symbioses and barcoding coral reef taxa, supported by the Consortium for the Barcode of Life. Alex uses genome sequencing and DNA-metabarcoding to study evolution and adaptation to major environmental changes at both the species and community level. Prior to joining the lab, Alex developed sequencing approaches to improve the efficiency, accuracy, and cost effectiveness of larval fish entrainment monitoring programs as part of a MITACS postdoctoral fellowship with Bruce Power. Alex obtained his Ph.D from the University of Toronto in 2019 where he studied the molecular evolution of the visual pigment gene, rhodopsin, in fishes that have made evolutionary transitions from marine to freshwater environments.

Email: alexvannynatten ’at’ uvic.ca | X (Twitter): @alexvn
Personal Website | Google Scholar | GitHub




Kristina Tietjen

Lab Manager, Blue Carbon Canada Research Project Manager &

Kiritimati Research Project Manager

Previously: MSc Student 2017-2020; Kiritimati Scientific Dive Team 2014-2015; GYA Research Assistant 2016-2019

Kristina (she/her) has been in the lab full time for nine years now. She started as the Kiritimati Project Manager, responsible for organizing and leading our field expeditions. Since 2014, Kristina has participated in and/or led twelve expeditions to Kiritimati. Kristina is an expert in corals and has an uncanny ability to locate underwater field sites from a fast moving boat. We would be lost without her. Following the completion of her MSc in January 2020, she also took on the position of lab manager. In summer 2022, the lab received funding to do a research project focused on the natural blue carbon potentials in Canada, which Kristina is the project manager for as well. Kristina also worked on the Global Young Academy Importance of Fundamental Research project.

For Kiritimati related things: kiritimatiprojectmanager 'at' gmail.com
For lab related things: baumlabmanager 'at' gmail.com
For blue carbon things: pm.bluecarboncanada ‘at’ gmail.com
Email: kristinaLtietjen 'at' gmail.com | X (Twitter): @TietjenK Personal Website


Lauren Shea

Kelp Rescue and Blue Carbon Canada Research Technician and Operations Specialist

Lauren joined the lab in the fall of 2024 to manage our temperate research operations and assist with our Blue Carbon Canada project. She completed her MSc at the University of British Columbia in fisheries economics, where she investigated management issues at the intersection of fisheries and aquaculture. Before graduate school, Lauren lived and worked full-time aboard sailing vessels, managing sailing and diving expeditions to remote locations around the world and teaching semester-abroad programs to university students. Her time at sea and underwater motivated her to return to research and mesh her experience in the field with complex marine conservation issues. 

Email: laurenshea ‘at’ uvic.ca


Maisie Roy-Musor

Kelp Culturing and Innovation Technician

Maisie (She/They) joined the lab in the fall of 2024 to support the The Kelp Rescue Initiative’s restoration efforts. She carries out research on kelp growth, development, and reproduction to inform the scale-up of kelp restoration nurseries. Additionally, she is developing nursery and outplanting innovations to reduce the costs and labor of restoring kelp, such as “GametoGlue”, an adhesive she developed to adhere juvenile kelp to the ocean floor. Maisie completed her BS Chemistry at the University of Maine, studying topics from biodegradable materials to microbial biogeochemistry. She completed her MSc Botany at the University of British Columbia on holdfast adhesion in kelp, and has several years experience studying red and brown seaweed development, physiology, and cultivation in both academia and industry.

Email: Maisieroymusor ‘at’ uvic.ca | X (Twitter): @AscoPhlannel
Personal Website


Mareike de Breuyn (Mika)

Kiritimati Research Assistant

Mika (she/her) joined the lab in spring 2025 to assist with Kiritimati coral imagery analysis and molecular lab work. She holds an MSc in Marine Biology from the University of Bremen, Germany, for which she collaborated with Prof. Peixoto at KAUST, studying the effects of coral probiotics on holobiont function of Red Sea coral during short-term heat stress. Fascinated by coral symbioses, she is particularly interested in the potential of beneficial microbes to help corals cope with rising ocean temperatures.
Mika earned her BSc in Coastal and Marine Management in the Netherlands, where she contributed to the DIADEMA project in the Dutch Caribbean. Her work focused on culturing long-spined sea urchins (Diadema antillarum)—critical reef grazers that have experienced mass die-offs—for reintroduction onto artificial reefs near degraded natural reefs, aiding in reef restoration efforts. Mika spent several years working in Thailand and the Philippines, where she helped to design and install artificial reefs for coral restoration, collected imagery data of reef manta rays (Mobula alfredi) to support the proposal of an MPA, and contributed to a study assessing the carrying capacity of pelagic thresher sharks (Alopias pelagicus).

Email: meikedebreuyn ‘at’ gmail.com | LinkedIn


Graduate Students


Daisy Buzzoni

PhD Candidate

Daisy (she/her) graduated from the University of Oxford in her UK homeland with a biology degree in 2016. She became interested in coral conservation interventions whilst coral 'gardening' during an internship in the Bahamas, after which she headed to the University of Miami to complete her MSc in 2020 with our collaborator Prof. Andrew Baker. Her masters research focused on coral-algal symbiont bleaching dynamics and symbiont manipulations. She joined us as a PhD student in Fall 2020 to investigate shifts in tropical coral-algal symbioses in a disturbed & warming ocean. Daisy is using the lab's library of coral samples from Kiritimati to examine heatwave-induced shifts in the symbiont communities hosted by a variety of coral species and also the role of energetic lipid reserves in predicting coral survival. Spring 2022, Daisy travelled to Palau to work with Prof. James Guest's lab, to address the role of coral population structure in the interaction between algal symbionts and bleaching resistance. She is supported by a Study Abroad Studentship from The Leverhulme Trust (UK) and the UVic Marmie Hess Fellowship.

Email: daisybuzzoni ‘at’ gmail.com | X (Twitter): @DivingMsDaisy


Matthew Csordas

PhD Candidate

Matt (he/him) completed his Bachelor of Engineering and Biosciences in Chemical and Bioengineering at McMaster University in 2020, during which he developed strong quantitative, statistical, and programming/modeling skills. Matt started in the lab as a NSERC-supported masters student and in September 2022 rolled up to a doctoral program supported by a Mitacs Accelerate Internship and now a NSERC CGS-D. His thesis research is focused on improving our understanding of the geographic distribution of BC kelp species and kelp forest ecosystems, how this is influenced by different abiotic and biotic factors at multiple scales, and how these distributions may change as climate change progresses. The past three summers, Matt led a Vancouver Island wide field project funded by BC Parks collecting benthic video transects within the “kelp zone” using an underwater remote operated vehicle (ROV). Data from these videos will be instrumental in developing his kelp species distribution models for BC. Through his thesis Matt will be contributing to the larger Baum Lab led project focused on assessing the status and trajectory of Canada's blue carbon ecosystems.

Email: csordas.matthew ‘at’ gmail.com | X (Twitter): @MattCsordas LinkedIn


Dominica Harrison

PhD Candidate

Dominica graduated from the University of Alberta in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences with her M.Sc, studying remote sensing of tropical vegetation. Supported by NSERC, Dominica joined our lab in 2021. She works on quantifying coral reef community composition and biodiversity. Dominica uses spectral imaging, 3D modeling, and geomorphic data to build maps of coral reefs. Since summer 2022, she has lived in Hawaii to join Dr. Greg Asner and Dr. Robin Martin of the Global Discovery for Conservation Science from Arizona State University to develop ecologically significant maps of coral communities surrounding the Hawaiian Archipelago. Her integrated approach to spatial reef ecology is met through an ascending spatial framework from in-situ field measurements to aerial and satellite imagery. By improving our understanding of coral reef distribution and health, this research will advance our ability to monitor and preserve these ecological systems.

Email: dharrison ‘at’ uvic.ca


Brian Timmer

PhD Candidate

Previously: Research Assistant Summer 2022

Brian (he/him) is a National Geographic Explorer and Royal Canadian Geographical Society Trebek Initiative grantee working on a NSERC supported PhD. He is using historical data that he found in the UVic archives to investigate the impacts of the past half-century of climate change on seaweed phenology and kelp forest distribution in the Salish Sea, as well as working with the Kelp Rescue team to understand how kelp forest restoration can best support fish populations. Brian spent nearly a decade as a SCUBA instructor before completing a BSc in Biology followed by an MSc in Geography focused on the remote sensing of kelp forests.

Email: briantimmer ‘at’ uvic.ca | X (Twitter): @Scuba_Timmer


Tessa Rehill

MSc Candidate

Tessa (she/her) is a Master's student working in partnership with the Kelp Rescue Initiative and supported by NSERC. Her research focuses on mapping urchin distributions and testing strategies to mitigate herbivory to enhance active kelp forest restoration in British Columbia. Using Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) and dive surveys, Tessa gathers data on urchin density hotspots along BC's coastline and conducts exclosure experiments in Barkley Sound to evaluate the effectiveness of different urchin control methods. As a Coastal Climate Solutions Leaders trainee, Tessa is committed to applying her research to address climate change impacts on marine ecosystems. Before starting her MSc, she completed her BSc in Biology at McGill University, where she compared marine scientific trawl surveys and environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding around Vancouver Island for conservation applications.

Email: tessarehill ‘at’ uvic.ca


Honours and Directed Studies Students


Isabel Gregr

Honours Student

Previously: Volunteer Fall 2021 - Fall 2022, NSERC USRA Student Spring 2023, Volunteer 2024

Isabel is in her fifth and final year of a BSc in marine biology with a minor in ocean sciences. She has been volunteering or working regularly in the lab since 2021 mainly with Kaitlyn, Matt, and Brian. In 2023 she received an NSERC USRA where her main role was to analyze Kaitlyn's timelapse footage from the Maldives to identify the shark and ray species present. She has also helped Matt with his fieldwork and analyzing ROV footage as well as assisting Brian with seaweed identification from photo quadrats. This year Isabel is doing her honours in the lab looking at nearshore habitat use of fish through different methods (ROV and timelapse footage).


Calder Guimond

Directed Studies Student

Previously: Volunteer Fall 2024

Calder is in his fifth year of a BSc concentrating in marine biology with a minor in ocean science. He joined the lab this past fall to volunteer with Dominica, classifying coral morphology using GIS to map the coral reefs of Kiritimati. This semester, he is using the data from that project to do a directed study.

Email: calderguimond ‘at’ uvic.ca


Research Assistants, Co-Op Students, & Volunteers


Anaik Halifax


Anaik (she/her) is a second-year Biology student majoring in Marine Biology with an interest in anthropogenic impacts on marine ecosystems and their conservation. In 2016, she volunteered at a marine conservation base, where she earned her Dive Master's certification and gained hands-on experience conducting coral reef surveys. Her work included identifying species, assessing bleaching percentages, and mapping disease prevalence within a protected section of the Meso-American reef. Currently, Anaik is collaborating with Dominica to identify coral based on morphology for 3D maps of Kiritimati's reefs. 


Alec Jones

Research Assistant

Previously: Volunteer Summer 2023, 2024

Alec is in his final year of a BSc in Biology with a concentration in Marine Biology and an Ocean Sciences minor. He is continuing to help Brian with data analysis and collection.


Avery Ratcliffe

Work Study Student

Avery (she/her) is an undergraduate student pursuing a BSc major in Marine Biology and a Minor in Ocean Sciences within the honours program. She joined the lab in fall 2024 as a work-study program participant, eager to gain more experience in the marine biology field and to learn from professionals in the industry. As a work-study student in the Baum Lab, Avery is a lab assistant where she is working under Dr. Lauren Dykman in studying kelp forest biodiversity in the context of restoration. 

Lab Business

Ray Stiles

Research Assistant

Previously: Research Assistant May 2023-April 2024, SERA Research Assistant Summer 2024

Ray joined us in summer 2023, helping Matt and Brian in the field assisting with ROV surveys and kelp restoration research. During the 2023-2024 academic year, they worked in the lab assisting Brian with data processing. They also helped the coral team with DNA extractions and photo analysis from the 2023 trip to Kiritimati. This past summer they continued their work on Kiritimati photo analysis and joined the team on the expedition to Kiritimati at the end of July. They are in their fourth year of a BSc in Biology and are continuing to work on coral data in the lab.




Post-doctoral Researchers
Kristina Barclay, Banting Postdoctoral Fellow, 2021-2024; Current: Canadian Ocean Acidification Community of Practice Coordinator (MEOPAR)
Matt Ramirez, Hess Postdoctoral Researcher, 2022; Current: Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina Wilmington
Sam Starko, Postdoctoral Researcher, 2019-2022; Current: Forrest Research Fellow, University of Western Australia
Hannah Epstein, Postdoctoral Researcher, 2019-2020; Current: Lecturer in Marine Biology, University of Essex
Laura Kehoe, MEOPAR Postdoctoral Researcher, 2016-2018; Current: Postdoctoral Researcher, The Nature Conservancy, Colorado
Megan Dodd, GYA Research Associate, 2015-2017; Current: Medical Science Liaison for AbbVie
Josie Iacarella, Mitacs Postdoctoral Fellow, 2015-2017; Current: Research Scientist, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Victoria
Lauren Yeager, SESYNC Postdoctoral Fellow, 2014-2016; Current: Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Austin
Brett Favaro, Liber Ero Postdoctoral Fellow, 2013-2014; Current: Dean, Faculty of Science at Kwantlen Polytechnic University
Phil Neubauer, Postdoctoral Researcher (Co-supervised), Rutgers, 2011-2013; Current: Statistician, Dragonfly Data Science, New Zealand

Graduate Students
Kaitlyn Zerr, MSc Student 2021-2024; Current: Junior Marine Scientist for Dynamic Ocean Consulting
Lasse Broske, visiting MSc student from Ruhr-University Bochum and the University of Duisburg-Essen, Spring-Summer 2024
Lia Chalifour, PhD Student 2016-2022; Current: Salmon Lead for North Coast - Skeena First Nations Stewardship Society (under their North Coast Cumulative Effects Program)
Elizabeth Beauchamp, visiting PhD student from the CoralAssist Lab in Newcastle, UK Fall 2021 Dominique Maucieri, MSc Student 2019-2021; Current: PhD Student, University of Victoria
Kevin Bruce, MSc Student, 2019-2021; Current: Fishery Manager with DFO
Sean Dimoff, MSc Student, 2018-2021; Current: Boating Safety Officer at Transport Canada
Geoffrey Osgood, PhD Student, 2014-2020; Current: Quantitative ecologist with eOceans
Kristina Tietjen, MSc Student, 2017-2020; Current: Lab manager and Kiritimati Project Manager in the lab
Jenny Smith, MSc Student, 2017-2019; Current: Assistant Fishery Manager with DFO
Jennifer Magel, MSc Student, 2016-2018; Current: PhD Student, University of British Columbia
Danielle Claar, PhD Student, 2013-2018; Current: Kelp Ecologist WA Department of Natural Resources - Nearshore Habitat Program
Aaron Eger, MSc Student, 2015-2017; Current: Program Director at Kelp Forest Alliance
Jamie McDevitt-Irwin, MSc Student, 2015-2017; Current: PhD Student, Stanford University
James Robinson, PhD Student, 2012-2017; Current: Senior Research Associate, Lancaster University
Easton White, Fulbright Scholar, 2013-2014; Current: Assistant Professor, University of New Hampshire
Adrian Burrill, MSc Student, 2011-2014
Logan Wiwchar, MSc Student, 2011-2014; Current: Medical School Student, University of Calgary
Rowan Trebilco, PhD Candidate (Co-supervised), SFU, 2009-2013
Laurence Fauconnet, Masters exchange student at Scripps from DAA (Resources and Aquatic Ecosystems Option), Rennes, France, 2009
Maria de Oca, CMBC Masters in Marine Biodiversity & Conservation, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, 2008-2009

Undergraduate Students
Sara Hudda, Co-op Student from Dalhousie University Winter-Spring 2024
Bronwyn Hobson, NSERC USRA Summer 2023
Sophia Cross, Research Assistant Summer 2023
Paige Amos, Honours Student 2022-2023, Volunteer summer 2022
Sara Manson, Directed Studies Student, Fall 2022
Brittnie Spriel, Honours Student (project poster) and Jamie Cassels Undergraduate Research Awardee 2021-2022, Research Assistant Fall 2020 - Summer 2021, Directed Studies Student Summer 2021, NSERC USRA Student Summer 2020, Volunteer Winter 2020
Tannin Standing, Honours Student Fall 2021 - Winter 2022
Lydia Walton, NSERC USRA Summer 2021, Honours Student Fall 2020 - Winter 2021, Research Assistant Summer 2020, Volunteer Fall 2019
Emie Woodburn, Research Assistant, Winter 2021, Directed Studies Student, Fall 2020
Hannah Dobbs, Honours Student, Fall 2020 - Winter 2021, Volunteer Winter 2020
Rebecca Hansen, Honours Student and Jamie Cassels Undergraduate Research Awardee, Fall 2020 - Winter 2021, CO-OP Student Summer 2020 and Fall
2019, Research Assistant Winter 2020, Volunteer Spring 2019
Nathan Heuver, Directed Study Student, Summer 2020, Work Study Student Fall 2019-Winter 2020
PJ Harnois, NSERC USRA Student, Summer 2019
Kelley Richardson, Directed Study Student, Spring 2019
Rowen Monks, Work Study Student, 2018-2019, Directed Study Student, Summer 2018, Volunteer, Winter 2018
Nelson Perks - JCURA/Honours Student, 2018-2019, NSERC-USRA Student-Summer 2018
Hannah Hunter, Volunteer Spring 2019, Directed Study Student Fall 2018
Chloe Slomowitz, Honours Student 2016-2017
Lochlan Noble, Directed Study Student, Fall 2016
Lisa Szostek, Honours Student and Jamie Cassels Undergraduate Research Awardee 2015-2016, Research Assistant and Directed Study Student
Summer 2015, Directed Study Student Spring 2015
Navarana Smith, Directed Study Student, Spring 2015
Hannah Britton-Foster, Honours Student, 2014-2015
Robert Izett, Directed Study Student, Fall 2014
Maryann Watson, NSERC USRA Student-Summer 2014, Directed Study Student-Spring 2014, Research Assistant-Summer 2013, JCURA/Directed
Study-Fall 2012-Winter 2013, SURA student-Summer 2012, Volunteer-Spring 2012
Mairin Deith, Honours Student 2013-2014, NSERC USRA Student-Summer 2013
Gabriel David, Honours Student, 2013-2014
Jillian Dunic, Research Assistant-Summer 2012-Summer 2013, Honour's Student 2012-2013, Volunteer-Spring 2012
Renee Prefontaine, Honours Student (Co-supervised), Department of Biology, Dalhousie University, 2008-2009
Sophie Whoriskey, Honours Student (Co-supervised), Department of Biology, Dalhousie University, 2006-2007

Undergraduate RAs, Volunteers and Work Study Students
Matthew Bakken, Work Study Student Fall 2023-Winter 2024
Halle Bell, Volunteer, Fall 2021 - Winter 2022
Alyssa Allchurch, Work Study Student, Fall 2020
Chloe Kramer, Volunteer, Fall 2019 - Winter 2020
Nathan Harris, Volunteer, Winter 2020
William Gao, Volunteer (High School Student), Fall 2019
Jessica Weir, Volunteer, Spring 2019
Allie Kozachuk, Research Assistant/Volunteer, 2017-2019
​Elizabeth Giannantonio, Research Assistant/Volunteer, 2017-2019
Roxanne Le-Goff, Volunteer, Fall 2017- Winter 2018
Hailey Davies, Volunteer, 2015-2017
Mitra Nikoo, Volunteer, 2013-2015
Jessica Holden, Volunteer, Winter 2014
Michael Sullivan, Volunteer, Winter 2014
Liam Coleman, Research Assistant-Summer 2013, Volunteer-Winter 2013
Carmen Smith, Work Study Student, Fall 2013
Patrick Duffy, Volunteer, Winter 2013
Vivian Pattison, Volunteer, Winter 2013
Grace Aroella-Jarvie, Work Study Student, Fall 2012

Research Assistants
Emma Hancock, Research Assistant Winter 2024-2025, Research Assistant September 2024, NSERC USRA Summer 2024, Research Assistant Spring 2024, Directed Studies Fall 2023
Alexandra Wiebe, Research Assistant, Fall 2023 - Summer 2024, Volunteer Fall 2023
Caitlin Bergman, Research Assistant, Fall 2022, Volunteer, Summer 2022
Kevin Bruce, BC Research Project Manager 2021, Kiritimati Field Research Assistant 2017-2019, 2024 Niallan O'Brien, Lab Manager, Research Assistant, Volunteer, Fall 2017 - December 2019
Josh McInnes, Research Assistant, 2017-2018, Work-Study Student, Fall 2016
Jessie Lund, Lab Manager, Research Assistant, 2016-2018, NSERC USRA Student (Spring 2016), Volunteer (Fall 2015)
Quinn Lowen, Field Research Assistant (Eelgrass Team), Summer 2016
Tella Osler, Field Research Assistant (Eelgrass Team), Summer 2016
Sarah Friesen, Lab Manager, Research Assistant, Lead Field Diver, 2016
Lia Chalifour, Research Assistant, Summer - Fall 2015
Kieran Cox, Research Assistant, Spring 2015- Summer 2015, Work Study Student (Fall 2014), Volunteer and Member of Kiritimati Field Team
(Summer 2014, January 2015, Summer 2015).
Mairin Deith, Research Assistant/Database Analyst, 2014-2015
Shaun Walbridge, Research Assistant - Spatial Programmer, 2011-2012, National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS), UCSB
David Groulx, Research Assistant - Spatial Programmer, 2011, NCEAS, UCSB
Amy Briggs, Research Assistant, 2010-2011, NCEAS, UCSB
Laura Dee, Research Assistant, 2010, NCEAS, UCSB